Miroslav Varga
Miroslav Varga, 16/07/2012, 3.4 minuta, 868 pregleda

Nova internet marketing kratica?

Tko bi to sve stigao pratiti. Na silan niz kratica koje se danas koriste u Internet marketingu, eto još jedna. Nerijetko i ja posegnem u riječnik kratica kako bih si razjasnio ili obnovio začenje neke kratice.

Prije godinu i pol dana, Avinash Kaushik je napisao blog o mjerenju povratnih podataka posjetitelja web stranice koji su pristigli s društvenih mreža. Tamo postoje vrlo zanimljivi članci o tome što se isplati segmetirati prilikom čitanja Analytics izvještaja. Po njemu svakako ima smisla segmentirati prema:

  • New versus returning visitors.
  • Referred from a particular search engine or website.
  • Entered at a specific page.
  • Exited from a specific page.
  • Referred from an affiliate.
  • Arrived via a specific ad campaign.
  • Visited during certain dates.
  • Average time on site.
  • Arrived via specific search engine query.
  • Visits on certain days of the week.
  • Visits during certain times of the day.
  • Visitors generating specific revenue.
  • Internal search queries.

Mjerenje je važno

Ima tamo jedan vrlo zanimljiv komentar poznatog hrvatskog internet marketing stručnjaka kojeg prenosim više-manje izvorno:

There is a generalisation method that I use. The revenue per visit per social media. For clients that don’t know the value of Facebook or Twitter or other social media

I call them Social Media Efficiency Factor (SMEF).

Very often my Clients aks me:

– How efficient are my FLYT (Facebook, LinkedIN, Youtube, Twitter) efforts? Where should I put more money to achieve better ROI?

After years of hard datamining, data analysis and data interpretation, I finally find out a simple way to help my Clients to understand the feedback data better. Now I use a simple correlation factor called SMEF (Social Media Efficiency Factor).

If the sales or income for a product or item rises (or falls) for a percentage (eg 5%), just compare it to the rise or fall of the social media referrals during the same period. If the # of Facebook referrals have risen 5%, LinkedIN referrals about 2.5%, and Youtube referrals fall 10%, just calcuate the SMEF’s.

SMEF (Facebook) = income / visits = +5% / +5% = 1
SMEF (LinkedIN) = income / visits = +5% / +2,5% = +2
SMEF (Youtube) = income / visits = +5% / -10 % = -0.5

Using this linear correlation factors (SMEF’s) I would recommend my Client to allocate the money for Social media marketing as follows:

  • + 2$ in LinkedIn,
  • – 0.5$ in YouTube
  • for every 1$ he/she invests in Facebook.

Periodically this should be repeated [weekly or biweekly]. In mathematics this is called the linear interpolation. It’s the less accurate and hardest way to find a solution, but at the same time, it’s the most stable and easiest way to write an algorithm or program for equation solution.

Eto, sada ćete znati što je SMEF

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Idemo u projekt skupa!

Hamag Bicro